On October 4th this world lost one of the good ones
The type of person who left everyone he met, a little bit better than when he found them.
Incredibly loving husband and best friend to Patricia for 43 years, fiercely proud dad of Lindsay (Kristofer) Fortney and Katie (Thomas) Janzen and a grandpa who loved to brag about his 3 awesome grandkids : Alexzander, Maddex and Emily.
Leo was adventurous and optimistic and buying a 25 acre farm and 100 year old farm house in his 20s, was a testament to that. He, Patty and the girls had so many adventures on the farm - there was never a dull moment. He loved his family more than anything and was always willing to try new things.
He wasn’t afraid to tinker and figure things out. In fact, the motto became: if grandpa can’t fix it, it’s broken He loved so many sports - an avid Habs and Yankees fan and wasn’t afraid to razz everyone else who wasn’t. He loved going to the show with all the boys to see every new Marvel movie when it came out and he had a laugh that couldn’t help but make you smile when you heard it.
He loved playing with his grandkids -swimming with them, playing baseball, shooting hoops and listening to their stories He worked at CF Industries as a process operator for 38 years where he made many special friends that he continued to stay in touch with after retirement. Leo and Patty made the most of retirement : travelling together, trips to Disney with the kids, lunches with good friends, going on fishing trips, watching the grandkids at their sports, and helping their kids out whenever they could.
He really was the best husband, dad and grandpa.
The loss is immeasurable and words don’t really adequately explain how devastated we are to say goodbye too soon.
Thank you to the ICU nurses who took exceptional care of our Leo (Sharon, Roberta and Elizabeth) as well as the surgical B nurses, and doctors who cared for him. There will be no service, just a private internment with immediate family.
“The sun is sinking in the west
The cattle go down to the stream
The redwing settles in the nest
It's time for a cowboy to dream
Purple light in the canyons
That's where I long to be
With my three good companions
Just my rifle, pony and me…”
We love you big guy